How it Works

Below are links to a number of mini-videos that provide information on the science behind the NeuroLynQ system. Each presentation is 3-7 minutes long. They are intended to be viewed in sequence, but some can be skipped if you already know the material.


Click on the videos below to explore the technology and science behind NeuroLynQ

NeuroLynQ Setup & Data Capture


NeuroLynQ Advanced Software Features


How the Mind Works


A brief introduction to the implications of neuroscience for market research using Kahneman’s System 1/System 2 framework.

Other Relevant Material

Wikipedia article


What Biometrics Measure


A description of the types of System 1 processing that can be understood with biometrics

Other Relevant Material

Wikipedia article


NeuroLynQ Metrics


An explanation on how the metrics used by NeuroLynQ are calculated.

Other Relevant Material

White paper on NeuroLynQ metrics


NeuroLynQ Validity and Repeatability


Results of a series of studies looking at the validity and reliability of NeuroLynQ metrics.

Other Relevant Material

White paper on NeuroLynQ metrics


The Biometric Advantage


Discussion of the advantages of biometrics and why Shimmer believes that they will become the dominant neuromarketing technology.

Other Relevant Material

White paper on NeuroLynQ metrics

The Biometric Advantage

Why biometrics are the future of neuromarketing